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ACE Project Phase 1C Recruitment

    WE are inviting interested individual community members to join a focus group, hosted online via Zoom, as part of our research study. Our initiative is dedicated to combating HIV and associated stigmas, such as homophobia, transphobia, and addiction stigma, particularly within racial minority communities in Ontario and Alberta.

    Entitled “Acceptance and Commitment to Empowerment (ACE) Intervention: Reducing HIV Stigma & Promoting Community Resilience through Capacity Building” and funded by the  Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR), ACE is a program to reduce HIV related stigma and promote collective empowerment. 

    The goal of Phase One of the ACE Project is to learn more about: (1) the challenges faced by racialized people experiencing or affected by HIV related stigmas, (2) their psychosocial needs, and (3) existing community strategies to reduce these stigmas. We plan to conduct a series of focus groups involving individuals who are experiencing or affected by HIV stigma. Their  insights will greatly contribute to the success of Project ACE and our collective goal of health equity.

    Joining this study will involve taking part in a 2-hour focus group online via zoom with other community members [Men, Women, Trans ] between 6 to 8 participants.  The participants will take part to contribute their experiences and/or perspectives on HIV stigma, their resistance and resilience strategies and access to relevant support.  Participants will receive a small honorarium $40 for their time.

    The Tentative Dates for the local sites the following:

    GTA/Niagara: Monday, Dec 11 6:30-8:30 p.m. EST (women); Thursday Dec 14, 6:30-8:30 p.m. EST (men)
    Calgary/Edmonton (tbc) : Dec 7 or 8; Dec 13/14
    London Ottawa (tbc)

    Please see the attached recruitment flyer [corresponding PHASE 1C flyer for the groups) for more details.

    We thank you for your support in promoting this focus group by forwarding the information to the interested individuals. Together, we can make a significant difference.

    If you are  interested to participate, please fill up this online registration and consent form latest by before end of November. After registering, we will provide further details via email to the registrants.

    Should you have any queries about this invitation or our project, please feel free to reach out to our local site coordinators.

    Calgary: Sipiwe Mapfumo ( 1-888-789-7730, press 6
    Edmonton: Folasade Olaniyan (; 1-888-789-7730, press 5
    GTA (Greater Toronto Area): Desmond Miller ( 1-888-789-7730, press 1
    London: Sulemana Ansumah Saaka ( /Mercy Nleya (; 1-888-789-7730, press 4
    Niagara: Sara Escarraga ( 1-888-789-7730, press 3
    Ottawa: Billa Hissein ( 1-888-789-7730, press 2

    R1cii-Phase 1 Recruitment_Contextual Assessment-community members (men) updated logos (Nov 2023) (1)Download

    R1ci-Phase 1 Recruitment_Contextual Assessment-community members (women) updated logos (Nov 2023) (1)Download

    R1ciii-Phase 1 Recruitment_Contextual Assessment-community members (Trans & Non-Binary) updated logos (Nov 2023) (1)Download